Energy Medicine Study Fall - An Integrative Program for Stress Reduction, Self-Regulation and Compassion - Toronto
Sep 23, 2016
Laura Watson

Save the Dates! Toronto – FREE Fall Energy Medicine Study 

Energy Medicine Stress Reduction Integrative Program - Research Study. Designed to assess the variety of energy awareness techniques and processes, the protocol involves breath, energy awareness, and meditative techniques for stress reduction, emotional self-regulation, open-hearted compassion and intuitive energy awareness and development. Participants will learn just some of the following skills:

Energetic Grounding
Emotional Self Regulation Techniques
Energetic Heart Opening
Connecting Heart to Head
Energetic Flow Dynamics
This sequential study will be held every Wednesday evening at Yonge and Eglinton for a period of 5 weeks strating Wednesday, September 28 through to Wednesday, October 26 

A beautiful church location has been selected where there is ample free street parking and a small parking lot. Participants are asked to gather at 6:30 for a 7 pm start. The program should last about 1.5 hours or so. Participants will be asked to keep a journal, and fill out questionnaires regarding their experience and the effects of the protocol. Study criteria is that participants attend all 5 evenings in the program.  All participants will be contributing to the emerging body of evidence-based energy medicine research in North America!  All participants will receive a complimentary copy of all of the Energy Medicine Stress Reduction program materials which includes energy medicine techniques, skills and tools. All those interested are encouraged to bring along a friend or two who may benefit from the essential tool kit that the program offers.            

If interested please have your friends send me an email at: or give me a call on my office phone at 416-322-3334 and leave a message. I’ll be signing participants for the study immediately!   
Much love and light,
Dr. Laura L. Watson  
Energy Medicine, Psychoenergetic Counselling, Intuitive Energy Healing
Specialized Meditations, Energy HealingReiki Master, Certified Hypnotherapist
416-322-3334 Toronto office 

Article originally appeared on Energy Healing (
See website for complete article licensing information.